Common Mistakes false friends

The Secret Life of Spanish Words: False Friends!

Learning Spanish is exciting, but sometimes it can also be tricky—especially when you come across false friends! These are words that look or sound like English words but have completely different meanings. They can lead to funny misunderstandings, so let’s explore some of the most common ones.

1. Embarazada ≠ Embarrassed

One of the biggest mistakes English speakers make is saying embarazada when they mean «embarrassed.» Be careful! Embarazada actually means pregnant! If you want to say you’re embarrassed, the correct word is avergonzado/a.

✅ Me caí en la calle y estaba muy avergonzado.
(I fell in the street and was very embarrassed.)

2. Librería ≠ Library

If you’re looking for a library, don’t ask for a librería—that’s a bookshop! The correct word for «library» is biblioteca.

✅ Voy a la biblioteca para estudiar.
(I’m going to the library to study.)

3. Sensible ≠ Sensible

This one is tricky! Sensible in Spanish means sensitive, not practical. If you want to describe someone as sensible in the English way, use razonable.

✅ Mi hermana es muy sensible y llora con las películas tristes.
(My sister is very sensitive and cries with sad movies.)

4. Actual ≠ Actual

This one catches many learners out! Actual in Spanish means current or present, not «real» or «factual.» If you want to say something is true, use real or verdadero.

✅ El presidente actual es muy popular.
(The current president is very popular.)

5. Asistir ≠ Assist

You might think asistir means «to assist,» but in Spanish, it actually means to attend. If you want to say «assist,» use ayudar.

✅ Voy a asistir a una conferencia mañana.
(I’m going to attend a conference tomorrow.)

How to Avoid False Friend Mistakes?

The best way to learn false friends is to see them in context. Read in Spanish, listen to conversations, and try using new words in sentences.

Have you ever made a funny mistake with false friends?

Written by Aimee Wilkinson, Principal at The Harrogate International Academy

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